Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Natural Medicine Forum

Please try and visit the Natural Medicine Talk Forum at http://www.natmedtalk.com/ 'health forum'. There you will find a friendly atmosphere to get support and answers to the many questions that we all have about health and diseases. The topics found on the board vary from nutritional questions about vitamins and supplements, Mind and Energy facts, Women's and Men's Health, Dentistry, Vision and Diabetes. Some of the forums helped me with a particular question that I had about root canals and eye care medication. The section about money saving tips was very interesting. I found the humor section to be hilarious. The entire site has lots of support in the most enviting environment that will make you feel right at home.

Monday, August 10, 2009

HealthyFellow website

I just visited a great site I would like to recommend for all those who would like to learn more about Health. The site is http://www.healthyfellow.com/ "Health Blog". Here you will find such article as Raw foods that are a new revolution that many are starting to follow to better health, Dancing to enhance mind and body, Soy Guide for Men, Quitting Smoking, as well as Vitamin D and Chronic Pain. I would really recommend you visit the site. One of the more interesting article I found was the one about Swine Flu being effected by those who consumed fish oil. I found it to be disturbing since I always thought fish oil and the vitamins found in it would protect from many deseases and increase immunity. The article about raw food is something I came across some time ago and the article really was informative. I do believe that eating raw frutis and vegetable gives the body the full amount of vitamins but I am not sure how one can live on only those foods that can be eatern only in raw form.