Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving is finally here

I am so happy that I will be off for 4 days! It is a blessing to be home with the family and have some rest from the massive amount of work. This year I am also thankful that the Thanksgiving party will be at my in-laws. Although I will be cooking there tomorrow I don't have to deal with it at my home. My younger son is afraid that the turkey will be running around the house since he heard on the news that there was one turkey who escaped from a truck and was living on the highway for a period of time. This made him state the fact that he has no intentions of eating Grandma's turkey and will make sure to open all the doors and windows so that the poor animal can escape back to its mom and dad. hopefully he will not become too upset when he sees the bird on the table all decorated, cooked and ready to be cut up and served. He is too young to remember the one from last year. I do look forward to the feast, the fun and the celebration with the family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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